1) Title
The name of the club shall be the “Mini Moke Club”, hereafter referred to as “The Club”.
2) Aims
a) To promote the use, enjoyment and preservation of the Mini Moke.
b) To provide members with information, advice and assistance in whatever form, so they may enjoy Moking.
c) To promote events and activities where members can meet each other and exchange ideas.
d) To offer members any benefits and privileges it may be possible to arrange.
3) Constitution
The club is open to anyone regardless of age and gender and the club shall be non-political, non-sectarian and operate an equal opportunity policy.
4) Management
The authority and responsibility for the business of running the club will be by an elected committee who will abide by these rules.
5) Election of Officers
Running of the Club will be vested in the Chairman, Membership & Club Secretary, Treasurer and other members as appropriate who will be elected at the AGM, and will take up their duties immediately following the closure of business at the AGM. Other committee members may be co-opted as required by the Committee, and will have voting rights at Committee Meetings. General members have the right to attend Club Committee meetings by arrangement and take part in the discussion. All Club Committee Members, Regional Co-ordinators and Registrars will have voting rights. Club Officers and subcommittee members are normally expected to serve in an honorary capacity. Should it ever become necessary to offer remuneration in order to fill a key post, full details must be agreed and voted upon at an Annual General Meeting (AGM), or Extra General Meeting (EGM).
Incumbent committee members will be assumed to wish to remain in their posts, unless at least two months’ notice has been given before an AGM. An invitation will be sent out to members via the Moke Club Magazine, inviting interested parties to make known that they would like to be considered as a candidate for a particular position on the committee.
Those wishing to be considered should inform the Membership & Club Secretary in writing, which includes documents sent electronically, four (4) weeks prior to the AGM. Anybody wishing to stand for the positions of Chairman, Membership & Club Secretary and Treasurer must have been a full club member for a minimum of 12 months immediately prior to nomination and have made themselves known to the committee.
6) Committee
More than 50% of the committee must be present, in order to vote on issues. This includes the Chairman, but does not include regional co-ordinators or registrars.
7) Meetings of Committee
The Chairman will, unless otherwise agreed by the committee, give at least a month’s written notice of a meeting. Any items may be discussed at the Chairman’s discretion. Any elected officials named on the front page of the newsletter may vote, however only one name (not position) is allowed per vote. The committee may additionally confer by telephone, e-mail or other conference facility that may be available.
8) Minutes
Minutes must be taken at committee meetings and the AGM, and be presented at the next committee meeting.
9) Banking
All monies for memberships and general running of the club will be handled by the Treasurer in the name of the club. The Spares Officer will handle all monies in connection with the spares. All monies in connection with Regalia will be handled by the Regalia Officer. The three accounts will be audited independently.
10) Election of Members
Application for membership of the Mini Moke Club must be made on the “Membership Form” (Electronic or Paper Version). Membership will be open to any person who agrees to abide by the rules of the Club. Family membership will include the member’s spouse or partner and any children. More than one name may be registered as members, but there will be only one magazine per household and two votes at the AGM. Application for membership must be accompanied with the appropriate annual fee and membership will run for a 12 month period from the first day of the month following receipt of the application to join. Any change to the annual fee will be made by the members attending an AGM. Any member who fails to renew his or her subscription within 45 days of his/her renewal date will be deemed to have cancelled their membership and their details will be taken off the Membership & Club Secretary’s computer. Only Club members shall be allowed to buy spares at discounted rates (where applicable).
11) Use of Club Name
The name of the club will not be used by any member for any trade purpose.
12) Sponsorship
The monies of the club will not be used to sponsor an individual member’s activities, but individual members may sponsor at their own expense.
13) Resignation
Any member may resign at any time by writing to the Membership Secretary and advising his or her intention. They will not be entitled to any refund of monies paid.
14) The Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held during the last quarter of each year (i.e. October, November or December) at a venue, date and time to be fixed by the committee. All members will be eligible to attend. Each Club member will be sent at least 21 days written or agreed e-mail notice. At the AGM the committee will give a full statement of its activities during the preceding twelve months and a report of its financial situation. Resolutions for the AGM should be placed before the Membership & Club Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the AGM. Late resolutions will be discussed under “Any Other Business”. The AGM will also be the only time in the club year when any of these rules may be changed or new rules introduced.
At the discretion of the committee and facilities available at the venue, the AGM may be broadcasted via Skype to those members who would like to participate but are unable to attend in person. Those wishing to participate in this manner must make contact with the Membership Secretary in order to gain access to the conference. At this time voting will not be allowed via Skype.
15) Voting
All Club members will have one vote, except the Chairman, who will not be permitted to vote except in the case of a tie when he or she may have a casting vote.
16) Observance and Interpretation of Rules
Every member agrees to abide by the rules and to accept the decision of the Committee in all cases of disagreement with the interpretation of these rules. The Club Committee shall have the power to withdraw membership rights of any member at any Club Committee Meeting (where there must be a quorum) or at the AGM. The Club member shall have the right to attend. Offenders shall have their membership terminated forthwith and all subscription monies will be forfeited. Membership will be revoked for such occurrences as, but not limited to:
Conducting themselves in a manner likely to bring the Club into Disrepute.
Express or implied representation of the Club without prior approval of the committee.
17) Copies of the Rules
Every member will be given a copy of the rules.
18) Dissolution
Agreement of at least 2/3 of the membership shall be required to propose the dissolution of the Club. The Club may not be dissolved except at a General Meeting held three months after notice has been conveyed to the membership. If, on the winding up or dissolution of the Mini Moke Club, there remain any assets of any kind, the same will not be distributed among Club members, but shall be transferred to a registered charity to be agreed by those present at the EGM.
19) Prize Money Won by the Club
Prize money, tickets and gifts should be divided equally between each participant and the Club, where the Club is equivalent to one participant.
20) Auto tests
In the interests of safety, the Club does not promote or organise any form of timed competition involving the use of powered vehicle, whether licensed for road use or not.
21) Expenses
The committee requires authorisation for any expenses claim over £150. Payment of expenses up to £150 is at the discretion of the club Treasurer. Travelling to or from any Club meeting will be at a member’s own cost. In exceptional circumstances, contributions to costs may be awarded, but only with the prior agreement of the Club Chairman or Treasurer. Club members shall be entitled to submit claims for any expenses incurred on Club business if authorised by the Chairman or Treasurer. Other expenses to be considered by special arrangement.
22) The Moke Club has been given the authority from the DVLA to validate Moke registrations and identities. Three approved signatories have been given to the club, which in turn, has vested the authority in each of the registrars: English, Australian and Portuguese/Cagiva.”